Monday, January 21, 2013

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas, Unless you have Facebook

Seriously this city needs to change its slogan. It's the 21st century. If you end up topless in the fountain outside Caesar's Palace on a Saturday night in Vegas (never happened, I swear) you can pretty much bet the farm that your sweet Granny who just signed up for this new thing called "Facebook" is going to read/see/hear all about it as she sits at her computer with her Sunday morning coffee. Thank you smart phones and the things we decide to post in our drunken stupors.

On my first trip to Vegas, with my fun, ferocious female life partner we stopped by San Diego on our way to see one of her friends. He knew her very well and upon meeting me declared within 5 minutes: “You two should not be allowed to go to Vegas together. I cannot imagine the shit you're gonna get into this weekend. There should be a law forbidding you two from venturing there together, matter of fact there probably will be after this weekend.” And we were like two pigs in a big sty of shit known as the Vegas Strip. I'd have a lot more to write about that weekend if I could only remember. Ironically enough I was reading I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell that weekend and thought to myself that I could certainly write my own version of that.


The second time my partner in crime and I ventured to Vegas we vowed to be calmer in our pursuits of a fun weekend. We figured being a couple years older we had gotten all that out of our systems. That shit went right out the window and another weekend of debauchery ensued.  I definitely earned a one way ticket to hell that weekend while I pursued a steadfast, 24-hour Jameson diet.

I promise this isn't me.

I’m very fortunate to have met / gone with people on my Vegas adventures who value that sanctity of NOT posting every scandalous detail of the weekend on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thank you my dear friends, you know who you are.

Moral of the story kiddies is that while letting loose in Vegas is all good and fun (after all, the city’s entire economy is based on the abundance of alcohol coupled with a lack of morals) but certain things will follow you home: pictures, videos, drunken voicemails left on unsuspecting answering machines, unplanned pregnancies and good ol’ herpes. So you bes’ check yourself before you wreck yourself and it ends up on the news feed of all 792 of your nearest and dearest “friends.”


  1. Was this inspired by a little brunch convo we had yesterday?!?! Love you and your crazy Caucasian ass!!

  2. hahah freakin looove it! If one could even begin to explain Vegas' shenanigans then perhaps it didn't live up to its name..and if it did, what you do remember will surely be engrained much longer than any fb pic of you showing Elvis your best drunken cirque du soleil moves (didn't happen either) :)
